An Important Note on Nutrition:
Nutrition is among the youngest of the biological sciences,
and certainly one of the most imprecise. There
already are many ways in which we can measure the extraordinary qualities
of Green Wholefoods, some of which are outlined below and there
doubtless will be many more that will unfold to our analytical instruments
in the years ahead.
However, the measurements of nutritional science are at best an imprecise confirmation and explanation of our human experience. Ultimately, the most accurate measurement - and the only one of absolute value to you - is your own experience: your personal story.
When you first hear someone describe his or her experience with Green Wholefoods, it seems almost incredible: How can consuming only a few grams of any food make such a remarkable difference in the way someone feels?
The answer lies in the Green Wholefoods extraordinary range of vital and essential nutrients. It isn't that is contains so much of any one particular nutrient - but that it contains small amounts of so many!
When you eat Green Wholefoods, you open up a biological treasure trove for your system. The Green Wholefoods provides the elements and raw materials you body needs for the synthesis of a myriad of essential molecules and the smooth functioning of virtually every body function, from strong blood formation to accurate nerve transmission.
Here is a general description of the Green Wholefoods's composition, followed by a look at some of the families of specific nutrients that make the Green Wholefoods the super food that it is.
The Minerals in Green Wholefoods Minerals often take a back seat to vitamins when nutrition is discussed - and that's one reason we're placing this section first! The truth is,a wide range and good balance of minerals is at least as important as acomplete vitamin profile for good health and growth.
Balance is important, too - taking too much of one essential mineral can upset the balance and functions of the other minerals in the body.
Another crucial point about minerals is whether you can assimilate and use the minerals you consume. Isolated minerals taken as supplements are often quite difficult for the body to use, while the minerals that occur naturally in the Green Wholefoods are complex and chelated, which means that they are in a highly assimilable, ready-to-use form.
Mineral elements have two general body functions: building and regulating. Their building functions affect the skeleton and all soft tissues. Their regulating functions include a wide variety of systems, such as heartbeat, blood clotting, controlling the internal pressure of body fluids, nerve response and transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
Minerals are also critical links in thousands of different, unique body functions, such as glucose metabolism or short term memory, to name just two. Many of these functions cannot occur - even if all other conditions are met - if the necessary mineral element is missing.
About Trace Minerals Most of us have heard about the importance of certain minerals, such as iron (which we need for the formation of healthy red blood cells) and calcium (essential both for the formation of strong bones and teeth andfor healthy nerve and muscle function). But the dozens of trace minerals are just as critical - in fact, every year we learn more examples of how trace mineral deficiency contributes to our declining health and vitality:
- recent research suggests that deficiencies in boron may lead to osteoporosis.
- blood deficiencies of manganese have been associated with childhood epilepsy.
- some researchers have suggested that selenium plays a cancer protective role, and deficiencies are suspected to increase the risk of certain types of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
-chromium deficiency is known to impair glucose metabolism, and has been related to the incidence and severity of Noninsulin Dependent Diabetes (NIDD).
How deficient in minerals is the American population? According to Mildred Seeling, Executive Director of the American College of Nutrition, 80 to 90 percent of the US population may be deficient in magnesium - only one of the dozens needed! Virtually everyone is deficient in one or many of these vital elements.
Minerals are the catalysts that enable enzyme systems to operate. Enzymes are protein "machines"" that make compounds that a1re critical for life. Different minerals are critical to enzyme systems either because they are part of the enzyme itself, or because they function as a cofactor which enables the enzyme to work properly.
Many of the reported benefits of consuming Green Wholefoods - such as increased physical energy, improved digestion, control of appetite and relief from the mood and energy swings of hypoglycemia - may be due to the catalytic action of the Green Wholefoods's broad range of trace minerals. To achieve optimal nutrition, the key is not in having a large quantity of any particular minerals, but in the range and variety of minerals available in tiny amounts.
Spectrographic analysis by atomic absorption spectroscopy has shown that the following complexed-chelated minerals in the Green Wholefoods include: boron, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, sulphur, titanium, vanadium and zinc.
Here is a partial list of these minerals' vital functions:
Boron: boron is an essential trace mineral but its role in human nutrition is unknown; it has been speculated that boron is involved in the synthesis of hormones in humans.
Calcium: Calcium is present in the body in greater amounts than any other mineral. Most of the two or three pounds present in the body are concentrated in the bones and teeth. Small amounts of calcium help to regulate certain body processes, such as the normal behaviour of nerves, muscle tone and blood clotting. All people need calcium in their diets throughout life.
Cobalt: Cobalt by itself is not essential in the body, but it is the essential core of the vitamin B12 molecule, which is itself an essential nutrient. Vegetarians who do not eat any meat, eggs or dairy products can become vitamin B12 deficient, and in fact, many animal foods have been observed to have rapidly declining B12 values as well. Green
Wholefoods contains an especially rich vitamin B12 content.
Copper: Copper is involved in the storage and release from storage of iron to form haemoglobin for red blood cells. The need for copper is particularly important in the early months of life and, if the intake of the mother is sufficient, infants are born with a store of copper.
Iron: Iron is an important part of compounds necessary for transporting oxygen to the cells and making use of the oxygen when it arrives. It is widely distributed in t the body, mostly in the blood, with relatively large amounts in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. The only way a significant amount of iron can leave the body is through a loss of blood. That is why people who have periodic blood losses and who are forming more blood have the greatest need for dietary iron. Diets that provide enough iron must be carefully selected because only a few foods contain iron in useful amounts.
Magnesium: Magnesium is found in all body tissues, but principally in the bones.It is an essential part of many enzyme systems responsible for energy conversion in the body. Foods rich in chlorophyll are high in magnesium, since magnesium serves as the core element of thechlorophyll molecule. A deficiency of magnesium in healthy humans eating a healthy variety of foods is uncommon.
Manganese: Manganese is needed for normal tendon and bone structure and is part of some enzymes. Deficiencies of this mineral are rare, but when they occur they are accompanied by weight loss, nausea and dermatitis.
Phosphorous: Phosphorous is present with calcium, in almost equal amounts, in the bones and teeth, and is an important part of every tissue in the body. It is widely distributed in foods, so a sufficient supply is easily obtained in the diet.
Potassium: Potassium is found mainly in the fluid inside the individual body cells. With sodium, it helps to regulate body fluids' balance and volume. A potassium deficiency is very uncommon in healthy peoplebut may result from prolonged diarrhea or from diuretics. Deficiency has been associated with extremely inadequate protein diets in children.
Sodium: Sodium is found mainly in blood plasma and in the fluids outside the body cells, helping to maintain normal water balance inside and outside the cells. The daily American diet provides a high intake of sodium, much of it added to food as salt. Many authorities believe the intake is much higher than desirable. A reduction of salt intake is often prescribed by physicians to persons with high blood pressure, kidney disease, cirrhosis of theliver, and congestive heart disease. A decrease of sodium intake can reduce the retention of water in the system, which is typically associated with these health problems. Green Wholefoods is very low in sodium content.
Zinc: It had been thought that a zinc deficiency did not exist in theUnited States. But recent studies on the loss of a sense of taste and on delayed wound healing indicates that a deficiency may exist in some people. Zinc is an important part of the enzymes that among other functions move carbon dioxide, via red blood cells, from the tissues to the lungs where it can be exhaled. Zinc is usually associated with the protein foods. Some foods are rich in zinc, but because of the presence of other substances, such as phytin, may not be completely available for absorption.
The Vitamins in Green Wholefoods Vitamins are essential to human life - in fact, that is the literal meaning of the word "vitamin". Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life. They do not provide energy, nor do they construct or build any part of the body. Rather, they are needed for transforming food into energy and body maintenance, each vitamin performing one or more specific functions in the body.
As with minerals, it is not only important that your diet contains necessary vitamins, but also that they are in an optimal balance and in an assimilable, usable form.
When taking single vitamins or particular complexes in isolated form as supplements, it is easy to have the tendency to "overdose" vitamins - and it is questionable as to how effectively isolated vitamins are used by the body. Vitamins, like minerals, are best obtained directly from high quality, naturally nutrient-dense foods, such as Green Wholefoods.
Beta Carotene (vegetable Vitamin A) Beta carotene is a substance which the body can change into vitamin A (retinol) when needed. It is a dietarily essential nutrient that is necessary for the health of all body tissues. It keeps skin, eyes and inner lings of the body healthy and resistant to infection. Vitamin A is needed for growth, maintenance and repair of teeth, nails, hair, bones, glands and mucous membranes of the internal organs. Vitamin A also is essential for vision in dim light and improvement in high sensitivity to light and other eye maladies. Deficiencies can cause dry, rough skin that may become more susceptible to infection. People who consume Green Wholefood often notice benefits such as an increased resistance to infection and other minor ills.
The National Cancer Institute is also conducting numerous studies on blue-green Green Wholefoods as a possible dietary source of protection against various forms of cancer. Dr. Charles Simome, author of Cancer and Nutrition, states:
"If I had to recommend on nutrient above any other to include in a person's low fat, high fibre diet to reduce the risk of cancer, it would have to be beta carotene."
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) This vitamin is water soluble, as are all in the B complex. Thiamin is required for normal digestion, growth, fertility, lactation, the normal functioning of nerve tissues and carbohydratemetabolism. Deficiency causes a malfunction of the nervous system. Other deficiency problems are: loss of appetite, body swelling (edema), heart problems, nausea, vomiting, and spastic muscle contractions throughout the body.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) This vitamin helps the body obtain energy from carbohydrates and protein substances. Deficiency causes lip sores and cracks, as well as dimness of vision.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) This vitamin is involved mostly in the utilization of protein. As with other vitamins, B6 is essential for the proper growth and maintenance of body functions. Deficiency symptoms include mouth soreness, dizziness, nausea, weight loss, dermatitis and nervous disorders.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) This vitamin is necessary for the normal development of red blood cells and the functioning of all cells, particularly in the bone marrow, nervous system and intestines. A deficiency causes pernicious anemia; if the deficiency is prolonged, a degeneration of the spinal cord occurs. B12 deficiencies are particularly dangerous for infants and consequently in pregnant or lactating mothers. Green Wholefoods is very rich in cobalamin. One gram of Green Wholefoods can supply the Recommended Dietary Allowance for almost everyone, making this unique food an ideal source of vitamin B12 for both vegetarians and nonvegetarians.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) This least stable of the vitamins promotes growth and tissue repair, including the healing of wounds. It aids in tooth and bone formation. When used as a food additive, vitamin C acts as a preservative. Lack of this vitamin causes scurvy. Deficiency signs are lassitude, weakness, bleeding, loss of weight and irritability. Early signs are bleeding and bruising easily.
Niacin (B Vitamin) Niacin is necessary for the healthy condition of all tissue cells. Deficiency is characterized by rough skin, mouth sores, diarrhea, and mental disorder. Niacin is one of the most stable of the vitamins, and the most easily obtained.
Choline (B Vitamin) Choline associates primarily with the utilization of fats and cholesterol in the body. It prevents fats from accumulating in the liver by moving it to the cells for their use. Essential for the proper health of the Green Wholefood liver and kidneys.
Pantothenic Acid This vitamin is needed to support a variety of body functions, including proper growth and maintenance and hormone production. A deficiency principally causes headache, fatigue, poor muscle coordination, nausea and cramps.
Vitamin D This vitamin is not found in Green Wholefoods. But, people who spend part of their time in the sun with exposure of the skin need no other source of vitamin D, since it is formed in the skin by the ultraviolet rays. Foods fortified with vitamin D are primarily for infants and the elderly who lack exposure to sunlight.
Beta Carotene: An Example A brief look at the Green Wholefoods's beta carotene content provides a remarkable example of how little Green Wholefoods it takes to go a long way.
According to the 1989 United States Recommended Dietary Allowance (USRDA) for vitamin A of the Food and Nutrition Board, the requirement for the healthy adult is 1,000 Retinol Equivalents (RE) per day.
Lab tests show that Green Wholefoods contains 360 RE of beta carotene per one-and-a-half grams (six capsules, or about one teaspoon).
This figure while impressive in itself, becomes truly astonishing when you compare the Green Wholefoods to the rest of your diet. Here is a table showing how various other foods compare to Green Wholefoods in Retinol Equivalents of beta carotene.
NOTE: The measure of Retinol Equivalents allows us to compare beta carotene, a vitamin A precursor found mostly in plant foods, to preformed vitamin A (retinol) as found in animal foods. For comparison's sake, we have also included a figure for the retinol content of eggs. It is important to note that beta carotene and retinol are not equivalent in their behaviour.
The health benefits of dietary beta carotene are greater than those of dietary vitamin A itself.
Food Beta Carotene (in RE)* Green Wholefood (1.5g) 360.0 Carrots (1 whole, 70g) 360.0 Iceberg Lettuce (100g) 33.0 Tomato (1 fresh whole) 100.0 Apricots (5 small) 270.0 Eggs (1 hard cooked) 97.0 (retinol) *(1 RE = 1 mcg retinol = 6 mcg beta carotene)
To obtain the amount of beta carotene that you receive in six capsules of Green Wholefoods, you would need to consume one whole carrot; about 1000 grams of lettuce (quite a salad!); nearly three and a half whole tomatoes; or about seven apricots. In terms of preformed vitamin A, it would take a four-egg omelette to equal the Green Wholefoods's level of Retinol Equivalents.
However, the picture is not quite so simple a numbers game. Current research tells us that there are two forms for beta carotene: the cis form and the trans form. Synthetic beta carotene (such as you'd find in a supplement) and the beta carotene in root vegetables (such as carrots and sweet potatoes) consist of the trans form, while the cis form is found mostly in fruits and vegetables that have been exposed to sunlight.
Which form is better? The answer turns out to be: neither one, alone! When cis and trans forms are eaten together, the absorption of the beta carotene can be over ten times that of just the trans form alone.
Green Wholefoods contains both forms of beta carotene. It is the ideal dietary source for you beta carotene intake.
Even that analysis may not tell the full story. With today's depleted soil and agricultural practices, it is far from a sure bet that the produce you buy comes up to par with the figures given in the table above.
Dr. Michael Colgan, author of Your Personal Vitamin Profile and founder of the Colgan Institute of Nutritional Science based in La Jolla, California, calls the problem of depleted foods, "the myth of the good mixed diet." He says:
"American are malnourished; even when we succeed at eating a balanced diet, our systems still suffer from the actual lack of nutrients in foods.
For example, raw carrots differ widely in beta carotene content, often showing variances from 18,500 IU (International Units) to 70 IU per 3.5 oz. sample."
International Units are a different scale of measurement - but even without our giving the precise RE values, you can see the incredible variability of nutritional value this passage illustrates. We said it should take one whole carrot to equal the beta carotene content in one teaspoon of Green Wholefoods - but, depending on the carrots, it actually may take dozens, or even hundreds!
The Proteins in Green Wholefoods One of the most important aspects of the Green Wholefoods is its protein. Green Wholefood is nearly two-thirds protein - an unusually high proportion, particularly for a "plant" food! - but the sheer amount of protein is not what is so vital. As with trace minerals, it's not the amount but the quality and type of proteins in Green Wholefoods that are so important.
It is well known that the human body is composed of protein - protein comprises about half your dry weight (not counting water content). Protein is required to form your muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair, nails, eyes, bone, teeth and all internal organs; moreover, various proteins and protein components are required to form your blood, nerves, brain, lymph, some hormones, enzymes, some coenzymes... the list goes on and on.
But proteins are more than crude structural elements. Perhaps even more importantly, some protein molecules have very specific functions in the body, including the transmission of electrical messages from nerve to nerve.
Green Wholefoods is unique among plants in that it contains all eight dietarily essential amino acids the human body needs - and in nearly the ideal proportions!
It has been speculated that the amino acids and peptides in Green Wholefoods are partially responsible for its profound impact on your memory moods and overall mental and emotional well being. There is no system in the body that can possibly function without such neurotransmitters, proteins that carry messages from brain to muscle, from organ to brain and from cell to cell.
About Amino Acids Proteins are made of amino acids; amino acids are the building blocks of the body. They are also necessary to the orderly functioning of every bodily process. Of the 22 amino acids, there are eight that are commonly referred to as "essential" amino acids, so called because they cannot be produced in the body and must be consumed from outside sources. (These should properly be called "dietarily essential" or "essential in diet.") Two of the amino acids we call "semi-essential" (more accurately, "dietarily semi-essential"), because they are necessary for proper growth in children. The other twelve amino acids are produced within the body.
Without the proper quantities of all of the amino acids, it is impossible to maintain good health. When improper amounts or proportions of amino acids are consumed, the less important body tissues are "cannibalized" in the attempt to restore balance, causing premature aging and possibly severe deficiencies.
Proteins that are eaten are broken down into amino acids by the digestive system. They are then carried throughout the body by the blood and distributed by the cells to wherever they are needed, to construct new tissues, enzymes, hormones and so forth.
Foods that contain all eight dietarily essential amino acids are called "complete protein" foods. Because it is a complete protein food, consuming even a small amount of Green Wholefoods together with a meal improves the nutritive value of the other foods -such as wheat, rice or other grains - and appears to assist in the assimilation and utilization of protein for those following a vegetarian, macrobiotic or raw-foods diet.
Amino Acids in Green Wholefoods Essential in Diet
Isoleucine: Isoleucine is an essential nutrient
for both children and adults. It is commonly used in many tonic preparations
and as an ingredient in amino acid injections.
Leucine: Leucine is another essential nutrient; however, it lowers the blood glucose level and can 1result in a nutritional conflict with other amino acids if not taken in a proportioned balance along with all the other amino acids, as it is found in Green Wholefoods. Some research suggest that Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine, the branched-chain amino acids, may help athletic performance.
Lysine: Researchers claim that Lysine will reverse the progress of herpes simplex. It is chiefly linked with the sustained growth of children. It will help in maintaining nitrogen equilibrium in adults.
Methionine: A deficiency in Methionine will prevent the liver from producing the crucial blood proteins albumin and globulin (antibodies). This deficiency also causes edema (swelling), due to a breakdown in the body's ability to collect urine normally. This deficiency also can cause hair to fall out and permit fat to build up in the liver. Methionine combined with choline and folic acid offers the body a possible defense against growth of tumours.
Phenylalanine: Phenylalanine plays a role in the function of the nervous system, contributing to mental alertness, intellectual performance and mental outlook. Research also suggest that Phenylalanine may act as a natural appetite suppressant.
Threonine: Threonine has been said, along with Lysine, to be one of the most important amino acids for solving the world protein problem. A low protein diet results in many problems, one of which is a fatty liver. Many researchers believe Threonine can address this and many other protein deficiency problems.
Tryptophan: Tryptophan, another dietarily essential amino acid, is a precursor for the neurotransmitter serotonin, and also can be converted into niacin. Note: The Tryptophan in Green Wholefoods is the naturally - occurring amino acid.
Valine: Valine is a branched - chain amino acid. It is important for normal muscle metabolism, and facilitates normal protein metabolism.
Arginine & Histidine: Arginine is known as an important amino acid in relation to the urea cycle and researchers claim it will help to improve the quality of ammonia toxic blood. Histidine is essential for synthesizing histamines, which cause vasodilation in the circulatory system. Histidine also is important for children's growth.
Chlorophyll, Carbohydrates and Other Nutrients in Green Wholefoods Many respected scientific researchers feel that chlorophyll is essential for many normal body functions, such as allowing the immediate assimilation of nutrients into the bloodstream for energy and aiding the digestive system. Green Wholefoods contains from two to three percent chlorophyll by dry weight.
Because of chlorophyll's importance, a number of "green foods" have become more popular in recent years, such as alfalfa sprouts, wheat grass, barley grass powder and various Green Wholefoods.
Green Wholefoods is the most efficient chlorophyll-producing organism known, and thus is the highest known single dietary source of chlorophyll. It contains more chlorophyll than any other "green food" - as much as two to three times the chlorophyll of alfalfa sprouts (an especially rich source).
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates (starches) are the chief source of energy for all body functions and muscular exertion, providing immediately available calories for energy and assisting in the digestion and assimilation of other foods. They also help regulate protein and fat metabolism: lipids (fats) require carbohydrates for their breakdown within the liver.
The Carbohydrates (cellulose) found in many other Green Wholefoods and chlorophyll-rich foods are often not available for digestion by humans, since welack the necessary enzymes to break them down into usable components.
However, the carbohydrates found in Green Wholefoods, which form the structure of the Green Wholefoods's cell walls, are identical to glycogen, the form carbohydrate takes in our bodies when we store it in the liver or muscles.Consequently, the Green Wholefoods's carbohydrate content is immediately usable as energy.
Lipids Lipids (fats( are the most concentrated source of energy, and they act as a carrier for vitamins A, E and K. They are necessary for the transportation of cholesterol, and are the precursors for hormones such as the extremely vital prostaglandins.
Linolenic Acid This is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) that is essential for maintaining good health. Research has indicated that adequate amounts of this fatty acid in the diet can decrease the incidence of coronary heart disease and stroke. Some researchers also have speculated that diets deficient in this PUFF lead to decreased learning ability.
Green Wholefoods is rich in this valuable fatty acid. In fact, this compound has been cited as the precursor to the highly respected eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) that is found in fish and is reported to be beneficial in preventing disease of the vascular system and lowering blood cholesterol levels.
Nucleic Acids These are commonly thought of as being components of DNA and RNA. Recent scientific investigations state that dietary sources of these compounds are important for optimal growth and function of white blood cells and intestinal cells. There is increasing evidence that ingestion of nucleic acids, such as those found in Green Wholefoods, may enhance the functioning of the immune system. Green Wholefoods is an excellent source of nucleic acids.